The results are in on hair color trends


The American Board Of Certified Haircolorists recently conducted a national survey among its 800 members.

Brunettes are stealing the show. Redheads are running a close second in hair color fashion popularity. And Blondes are still turning many a head but not as many as their “sister” color categories.

Brunettes are dominating hair color haute coiffure as this year’s Number One Haircolor Fashion Category in the U.S.

Redheads are now more popular than blondes

For the first time in American haircolor history, blondes have dropped from first to third place when it comes to getting all the fashion attention, reluctantly making room for redheads on the runway and the red carpet(now called”the other blonde.”)

Blondes are said to be getting deeper and darker and more blended. Simply a newer dimension of Gorgeous. Deeper chic!

It’s no wonder that everything is popping up brunette with Hollywood’s major multi-hued brownette and brunette darkest haired celebs dominating the box office and sending women rushing to their colorist for the latest lip-smacking shades of everything from mocha…..chocolate to cherry coke….raisin berry to awesome aubergine.

It’s all a colorful reflection of the most influential celebrities impacting hair color trends.

“The Jens” today’s most popular beauties

Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Lopez, sporting a sandy gold brownette, are today’s most popular blended brown-haired beauties.

Of course, brunette never looked so great on stars like Halle Berry, Catherine Zeta-Jones,Natalie Portman, Nikki Hilton, and now.even Rene Zellweger getting their fair share of TV commericals, contracts and cosmetics company commitments.

Ravishing Redheads are Juianne Moore and Debra Messing. With blondes Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, and Paris Hilton still following behind.

And what about the Men?

Brad Pitt continues to lead the way among men of all ages when it comes to dominating American haircolor trends and techiques.

Ashton Kutcher is a significant second when it comes to guys wearing that sexy blend of not all blonde….not all brown but a “ust right—kind of separated blonde-brown-ish sun fun thing.

Coming in a strong third is Johnny Depp and then, the popular Ryan Seacrest. Jude Law and Colin Farrell–all steering the “blonde-brown-ish fashion forward all the way.

Who do professional colorist personally think exemplifies the most beautiful color in America?

Jennifer Aniston, first;
Debra Messing,second;
and Julianne Moore,third.