Health and Diets

Teenage Skin

Your skin is just one more thing that changes when you go through puberty. Acne often starts in your early teen years because your body is making more oil glands, which is normal.

A few different skin problems are a part of acne: whiteheads, blackheads and cystic acne. Whiteheads are made when a hair follicle (root) is plugged with oil and skin cells. If this plugged up stuff comes up to the surface of the skin and the air touches it, it turns black – becoming a “blackhead.” So, blackheads are not caused by dirt. However, washing your face does remove excess oils which clog pores.

If a plugged follicle breaks, the area swells and becomes a red bump. If this happens close to the surface of the skin, the bump most often becomes a pimple. If it breaks deep inside in the skin, nodules or cysts can form, which can look like larger pimples. This is cystic acne.

Acne is common among teens, but not everyone will have the same troubles. It may be worse in boys because they have more oils in their skin. Also, it can run in the family. If your mother or father had bad acne, the same may happen for you. Some people also just have more sensitive skin.

How is acne treated?

Wash your face regularly. If the acne does not go away, there are over-the-counter products (you can buy these without a doctor’s order) available in different forms, such as gels, lotions, creams and soaps. Common ingredients used in these products to fight acne are benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur.

If you have a bad skin reaction to any products you buy on your own, tell your doctor. Also, it can take time for these products to work. If they do not make your acne better after 2 months, ask your doctor for help. The doctor can give you stronger medicines, including antibiotics or other pills and creams that have either retinoids or adapalene in them.

Retinoids can make you very sensitive to the sun, so avoid those rays or use a strong sunscreen to protect yourself. Another word of caution: the medicine isotretinoin (the product is called Accutane) can cause birth defects and miscarriages (losing a baby while pregnant) if taken when a woman is pregnant.

What can make acne worse?

Oil-based makeup, suntan oil, hair gels and sprays
Your period
Picking at your pimples
Scrubbing your skin too hard
Getting too much sun

What doesn’t cause acne?

Dirt, fried foods, chocolate, and sexual activity do not cause acne. These are myths!

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