Effects of Amphetamine Use

Amphetamine drugs come in tablets and capsules that can be taken orally. They can also appear as off-white crystals, chunks and powders, which may be sniffed or injected.

Smokable methamphetamine looks like shaved glass slivers or clear rock salt. … Effects of Amphetamine Use »»

How Does Acupressure Work?

Acupressure practitioners use their fingers, palms, elbows or feet, or special devices to apply pressure to acupoints on the body’s meridians. Sometimes, acupressure also involves stretching or acupressure massage, as well as other methods. … How Does Acupressure Work? »»

Phentermine HCI Oral Appetite Suppressant

Phentermine is used as an appetite suppressant. It is used in conjunction with an overall diet plan to reduce weight. … Phentermine HCI Oral Appetite Suppressant »»

How the Atkins Diet works – Phase 4: Lifetime Maintenance

Stick with the fourth and final phase of Atkins and your weight problems are history. But, digress and you”re headed for trouble. … How the Atkins Diet works – Phase 4: Lifetime Maintenance »»

Texas doctors do world’s first skull-scalp transplant

Opening a new frontier in transplant surgery, Texas doctors have done the world’s first partial skull and scalp transplant to help a man who suffered a large head wound from cancer treatment. … Texas doctors do world’s first skull-scalp transplant »»

How the Atkins Diet works – Phase 2: Ongoing Weight Loss

Ongoing Weight Loss (OWL) gives you the freedom to take control of your head and your body. This self-knowledge is the key to becoming a formerly fat person. … How the Atkins Diet works – Phase 2: Ongoing Weight Loss »»