Herbal Medicine A-Z
Herbal medicine , also called botanical medicine or phytomedicine, refers to using a plant's seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes. Herbalism has a long tradition of use outside of conventional medicine.
It is becoming more mainstream as improvements in analysis and quality control along with advances in clinical research show the value of herbal medicine in the treating and preventing disease.
An herb is a plant or plant part used for its scent, flavor, or therapeutic properties. Herbal medicines are one type of dietary supplement.
They are sold as tablets, capsules, powders, teas, extracts, and fresh or dried plants. People use herbal medicines to try to maintain or improve their health.
Many people believe that products labeled "natural" are always safe and good for them. This is not necessarily true. Herbal medicines do not have to go through the testing that drugs do.
Some herbs used incorrectly can cause serious harm. Many herbs can interact with prescription drugs or over-the-counter medicines.
If you are thinking about using an herbal medicine, first get information on it from reliable sources. Make sure to tell your health care provider about any herbal medicines you are taking.
Article Index:
An extract of the brindell berry plant, Garcina Cambogia is an effective appetite suppressant, reduces cravings for fat, and encourages the body to burn fat more efficiently.
Gymnema Sylvestre, or Ram’s Horn, has been used for almost two thousand years to treat diabetes.
Index of herbal medicines starting with A.