Hair coloring the professional way


The biggest problem with home hair coloring is getting it even and picking out the right color. Here are some tips on how to get the best results.

Pick the right color

First we’ll start with the color. Never try to go from a dark color to a light one using a single processing color(one from a box). Even if you get a light Blonde, your hair will not be that color.

Most colors only lift so many levals/shades. If you are wanting to go real light you will need a double lift color or a bleach. If bleach is used, plan on using a toner afterwards to achive the right color you wanted.

Look on the color and see how many shades it will lift. Lets say if you are at a dark brown-level 3 and you use a light blonde-level 9, your hair will turn out a light brown not a light blonde because of the lift level.

Color doesn’t lift color

Sound complicated? It is, that is why they have professional hair colorists. If your hair turns out the wrong color, don’t go get another shade and apply it over that color because color doesn’t lift color!

Only Bleach and color remover products will take that color out.

There are 4 kinds of color

Permanent, demi, semi-permanent, and stains. A permanent color last till it grows out.It covers grey and you will have a root grow out. Permanent hair colors have a higher volume of peroxide in them.

Demi color has a lower volume of peroxide and covers 70% of grey with less root grow out.

Semi-permanent color has the lowest amount of peroxide and usually just fades out. Semi-permanent colors last the shortest time but have the advantage of no grow out.

Stains are –Hennas, glazing, cellophanes, mod colors, etc. How long they last depends on the condition of your hair.

Each product is different.

Color won’t last as long if you wash your hair every day.

Heat appliances make a difference too, as do products.

Always use a shampoo and conditioner for colored hair, deep conditioning the hair well before and after.

Don’t shampoo immediately after coloring your hair

Waiting 48 hours to shampoo your hair will help the color to stay in longer.

Also, using a leave in product that protects your hair from the sun will keep your new hair color from fading. Reds are the worst color for fading so using a colored shampoo that accents your color will help. A cool water rinse keeps reds’ depth.

How to apply hair color

Part the hair into 4 sections. Ear to ear and front to back.

For a Virgin color (someone that hasn’t colored before)apply color to the hair 1/2 inch from the scalp taking very small partings. Use a bowl and a small brush.

After you have applied the color to your whole head, go back and apply it to the roots.

Follow the time instructions on your product.

For a re-touch apply hair color only to the roots

If the ends are faded out you can work the color through them the last 5 minutes only.

Don’t apply color from roots to ends each time as it will make your hair limp and over processed.

Make sure if your ends are dry you add water to them first before working the haircolor color through. This will keep them from geting too dark.

Demi and semi-permanent colors can be applied from scalp to ends unless ends are already dark enough. So can stains. If you get color stains around your hair line rub a little shampoo around the hairline before you put any water on it.

Using a good color product and applying it the right way will make your color day less stressful.

Happy Coloring..